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But what about size?

 Size  is really hard to determine when it comes to newborns since they can range from 5 to 10 pounds.  This little one, Ruby Pearl, is 21 " long and is wearing a size SMALL soaker.   As you can see she has a lot of room.  The nice thing about knitted garments is they stretch and as you will see, a lot.  I make all of my soakers with an added 1" in the length of the waist/rise.  Nothing is worse than having a diaper leak upward because  the soaker doesn't cover the diaper. Now, here's where the stretch comes in.   The soaker on the left was worn by Ruby  and it stretch to the shape and size of her tummy BUT is was still snug  and didn't slide off YET can stretch even more.  The green soaker on the right hasn't been worn at all and  you can see how narrow the neck of the cover is.  Washing baby's soaker will return it to the pre stretched shape.  My colored soakers have the properties of wool with min

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